Gasausfall in 59909 Bestwig

Are you having problems with your gas heating in Bestwig? You can use our map to quickly and easily check whether there is a gas fault

The responsible gas network operator and contact person in the event of disruptions is Westnetz. \n

There are currently no reported gas disruption reports from the network operator or users in Bestwig.

Gas is inherently odorless. In order for people to be able to detect a gas leak at all, gas is given an odorant as standard. If you notice this typically acrid smell, reporting it quickly and acting correctly can save lives: If you smell gas, fire and sparks are taboo. Cigarettes, lighters, matches and electrical appliances must therefore no longer be used. This means that you should no longer operate any light or appliance switches, pull the plug out of the socket and no longer use telephones or cell phones in the house. Open doors and windows should ensure a draught. The gas tap should be turned off and housemates and neighbors should be warned. It is important to leave the house as quickly as possible.

Once the immediate danger has passed, you should immediately inform your gas network operator about the smell of gas. In 59909 Bestwig this is Westnetz.

The hotline number to report faults is: 0800 0793427

If you do not have a gas smell but a fault in the gas supply, you can also view information digitally and conveniently from home via Stö

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Here you come to the start pages of the respective types of disturbance:

District heating
Street lighting

Current outages

Dorsten46282 DorstenPostalcode 46282